Current Trends Ruling Church Design Across The Globe

June 9, 2018

Designs of cathedrals are also updated to keep them at par with the modern world. Many old structures are refurbished in a more modern way. People now get the chance to visit chapels with innovative structures and design. With new companies coming up, certain trends have been noticed in church design.

Let’s take a look at some of the trends ruling churches these days.

  • Offering Something More

The chapel is the place where its members commit to spending some of their precious time away from office and home. They want to maximize their experience. Cathedrals are now being constructed as engaging. It is no longer a Sunday campus. People can now enjoy this space throughout the week for business, socializing, worship or education.

  • Multiuse Mania

Modern chapels make use of facility tools that have diversity as well as flexibility. This place of worship nowadays offers easily accessible office space, multipurpose chapels, intelligent classrooms, multi-use activity lobbies. Design of every space is made in such a way so that they can be changed in future.

  • Give Privilege to Digital Natives

Members have become digital these days. They always like to be connected with the virtual world and like to enhance their worship experience with global members. A technically sophisticated church campus is what they always look for. Modern-day cathedrals should feature Wi-Fi connectivity, multi-campus real-time connection, virtual pastor worship venues and the like.

  • Setting up Connectivity

Having intimate connection within the body of a chapel strengthens worship experience and also increases the value of the chapel. Worship spaces should be designed so that it fosters the strong bond between the members and the priest. Design of the campus should be such that it integrates with the community.

  • Reflection of Value and Authenticity

It is very important that a chapel’s structure reflect honesty, truth and authenticity. Architecture of a cathedral should –

  1. Be Rational
  2. Embrace aestheticism with local and natural materials
  • Have daylight
  1. Have all sorts of comfortable amenities
  2. Have an attractive exterior view
  3. Provide provision for genuine interaction between visitors and members

Any cathedral is the center point where people gather for spiritual experience. However, it has now become necessary to foster as well as facilitate community interactions. This increases the value and appeal of this place of religion to one and all. Therefore, it is necessary to have a proper church design.