Furniture Re-Upholstery Tips To Help You Make Wise Decision
Many people have the zeal to get an antique piece from some flea market and regain its original glory. The task of a professional furniture re upholsterer is not as easy as removing a cushion from an old sofa. It requires consideration of different factors and hard work. There are certain hidden costs as well that people generally forget.
Here are some things that everyone should pay attention to before moving ahead with any professional upholstery service.
Simple Guidelines prior to Furniture Re upholstering
- Make sure that the furniture is worth recovering
Do not think of upholstering only because you love the shape. Remember that professional service providers do not fix furniture pieces having bad construction. Trying to polish any turd is only wasting money.
- Involve the upholsterer in your creative work
When it comes to upholstering, people come up with innovative ideas. One can select his fabric and compel the service provider to use them. But, it is better to listen to ideas of the re-upholsterer too and implement them in work. Engaging the designers in the creative process is really enjoyable.
- Remember that fabrics have diverse behavior
While using any fabric on any furniture piece, consult with the experts as all the fabrics do not act in the same manner. For instance, white silk taffeta is a delicate and sheer fabric and hence, it cannot be easily used in upholstery. This fabric will look spectacular when used in a seldom-used antique piece but will not work well at all when used on some heavily-used sofa set.
- Create visual to check the preferences
“Picture is worth a thousand words.” Having all kinds of visuals will help the upholsterer understand the preference of the owner. Images, finishes, materials, fabrics and drawings, everything will help the professional service provider understand the taste and preference of his client.
When you move ahead with re-upholstery service, do accept that there will some hidden costs in addition to what the service provider claims.